AUTHOR  ="Maggs, Anthony C. and Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE   ="Writhing photons and Berry phases in polarized multiple scattering",
JOURNAL ="Phys. Rev. Lett.",
VOLUME  ="87",
PAGES   ="253901",
YEAR    ="2001",
EPRINT  ="arXiv:cond-mat/0105344"}
AUTHOR  ="Maggs, Anthony C. and Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE   ="Geometric phases and polarization patterns in multiple light scattering",
EPRINT  ="arXiv:cond-mat/0111011",
YEAR    ="2001"}
AUTHOR  ="Rossetto, Vincent and Maggs, Anthony C.",
TITLE   ="Comment on ``Elasticity of a supercoiled {DNA} molecule''",
JOURNAL ="Phys. Rev. Lett.",
VOLUME  ="88",
PAGES   ="089801",
YEAR    ="2002",
EPRINT  ="arXiv:cond-mat/0101165"}
AUTHOR  ="Rossetto, Vincent and Maggs, Anthony C.",
TITLE   ="Writhing geometry of stiff polymers and scattered light",
JOURNAL ="Eur. Phys. J. B",
VOLUME  ="118",
PAGES   ="323-326",
YEAR    ="2002"}
AUTHOR  ="Maggs, Anthony C. and Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE   ="Local simulation algorithms for Coulomb interaction",
JOURNAL ="Phys. Rev. Lett.",
VOLUME  ="88",
PAGES   ="196402",
YEAR    ="2002",
EPRINT  ="arXiv:cond-mat/0111009"}
AUTHOR  ="Rossetto, Vincent and Maggs, Anthony C.",
TITLE   ="Writhing geometry of open {DNA}''",
JOURNAL ="J. Chem. Phys.",
VOLUME  ="118",
PAGES   ="9864-9874",
YEAR    ="2003",
EPRINT  ="arXiv:physics/0301028"}
AUTHOR  ="Lacoste, David and Rossetto, Vincent and Jaillon, Franck and Saint-Jalmes, Herv{\'e}",
TITLE   ="Geometric depolarization in patterns formed by backscattered light",
JOURNAL ="Opt. Lett.",
VOLUME  ="29",
PAGES   ="2040-2042",
YEAR    ="2004",
EPRINT  ="arXiv:cond-mat/0402084"}
AUTHOR  ="Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE   ="{DNA} loop statistics and torsional modulus",
JOURNAL ="Europhys. Lett.",
VOLUME  ="69",
PAGES   ="142-148",
YEAR    ="2005",
EPRINT  ="arXiv:cond-mat/0409168"}
AUTHOR  ="Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE   ="A general framework for multiple scattering of polarized waves including anisotropies and Berry phase",
JOURNAL ="Phys. Rev. E",
VOLUME  ="80",
PAGES   ="056605",
YEAR    ="2009",
EPRINT  ="arXiv:0905.4915"}
AUTHOR	="Tremblay, Nicolas and Larose, {\'E}ric and Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE	="Probing slow dynamics of consolidated granular multicomposite materials by diffuse acoustic wave spectroscopy",
JOURNAL	="J. Acoust. Soc. Am.",
VOLUME	="127",
PAGES	="1239--1243",
YEAR	="2010"}
AUTHOR  ="Larose, {\'E}ric and Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Rossetto, Vincent and Margerin, Ludovic",
TITLE   ="Locating a small change in a multiple scattering environment",
JOURNAL ="Appl. Phys. Lett.",
VOLUME  ="96",
PAGES   ="204101",
YEAR    ="2010"}
AUTHOR  ="Rossetto, Vincent and Margerin, Ludovic and Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Larose, {\'E}ric ",
TITLE   ="Locating a weak change using diffuse waves: Theoretical approach and inversion procedure",
JOURNAL ="J. Appl. Phys.",
VOLUME  ="109",
PAGES   ="034903",
YEAR    ="2011"}
AUTHOR  ="Boulanger, J{\'e}r{\'e}mie and Le Bihan, Nicolas and Catheline, Stefan and Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE   ="Observation of a non-adiabatic geometric phase for elastic waves",
JOURNAL ="Ann. Phys.",
VOLUME  ="327", 
PAGES   ="952--958",
ELINK   ="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2011.11.014",
YEAR    ="2012"}
AUTHOR  ="Boulanger, J{\'e}r{\'e}mie and Le Bihan, Nicolas and Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE   ="Stochastic description of geometric phase for polarized waves in random media",
JOURNAL ="J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.",
ELINK   ="http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/46/3/035203",
VOLUME  ="46",
PAGES   ="035203",
YEAR    ="2013"}
AUTHOR	="Rossetto, Vincent",
TITLE	="Local time in diffusive media and applications to imaging",
JOURNAL	="Phys. Rev. E",
VOLUME	="88",
PAGES	="022103",
YEAR	="2013"}
TITLE ="Measuring the scattering mean free path of {R}ayleigh waves on a volcano from spatial phase decoherence",
AUTHOR ="Anne Obermann and {\'E}ric Larose and Ludovic Margerin and Vincent Rossetto",
JOURNAL="Geophys. J. Int.",
VOLUME ="197", 
PAGES  ="435--442",
YEAR   ="2014"}
TITLE  ="Imaging multiple local changes in heterogeneous media with diffuse waves",
AUTHOR ="Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Larose, {\'E}ric and Rossetto, Vincent and Margerin, Ludovic",
JOURNAL="Journal of the Acoustical Society of America",
VOLUME ="137",
PAGES  ="660--667",
YEAR   ="2015"}
TITLE ="Spatiotemporal velocity-velocity correlation function in fully developed turbulence",
AUTHOR ="Canet, L{\'e}onie and Rossetto, Vincent and Wschebor, Nicol{\'a}s and Balarac, Guillaume",
JOURNAL="Phys. Rev. E.",
VOLUME ="95",
PAGES  ="023107",
YEAR   ="2017"}
TITLE  ="Space-time domain velocity distributions in isotropic radiative transfer in two dimensions",
AUTHOR ="Rossetto, Vincent",
JOURNAL="J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.",
VOLUME ="50",
PAGES  ="165001",
YEAR   ="2017"}
TITLE  ="Spatiotemporal velocity-velocity correlation function in fully developed turbulence",
AUTHOR ="Canet, Léonie and Rossetto, Vincent and Wschebor, Nicolás and Balarac, Guillaume",
JOURNAL="Phys. Rev. E",
VOLUME ="95",
PAGES  ="023107",
YEAR   ="2017"}
TITLE  ="The one-dimensional asymmetric persistent random walk",
AUTHOR ="Rossetto, Vincent",
JOURNAL="J. Stat. Mech.",
VOLUME ="2018",
PAGES  ="043204",
YEAR   ="2018"}
TITLE  ="Experimental test of the crossover between the inertial and the dissipative range in a turbulent swirling flow",
AUTHOR ="Debue, Paul and Kuzzay, Denis and Saw, Ewe-Wei and Daviaud, Fran{\c c}ois and Dubrulle, B{\'e}reng{\`e}re and Canet, L{\'e}onie and Rossetto, Vincent and Wschebor, Nicol{\'a}ás",
JOURNAL="Phys. Rev. Fluids",
VOLUME ="3",
PAGES  ="024602",
YEAR   ="2018"}
TITLE  ="Analysis of the dissipative range of the energy spectrum in grid turbulence and in direct numerical simulations",
AUTHOR ="Gorbunova, Anastasiia and Balarac Guillaume and Bourgoin, Micka{\"e}l and Canet, L{\'e}onie and Mordant, Nicolas and Rossetto, Vincent",
JOURNAL="Phys. Rev. Fluids",
VOLUME ="5",
PAGES  ="044604",
YEAR   ="2020"}
TITLE  ="Spatio-temporal correlations in 3D homogeneous isotropic turbulence",
AUTHOR ="Gorbunova, Anastasiia and Balarac, Guillaume and Canet, L{\'e}onie and Eyink, Gregory and Rossetto, Vincent",
JOURNAL="Phys. Fluids",
VOLUME ="33",
PAGES  ="045114",
YEAR ="2021"}
TITLE  ="Eulerian spatiotemporal correlations in passive scalar turbulence",
AUTHOR ="Gorbunova, Anastasiia and Pagani, Carlo and Balarac, Guillaume and Canet, L{\'e}onie and Rossetto, Vincent",
JOURNAL="Phys. Rev. Fluids",
VOLUME ="6",
PAGES  ="124606",
YEAR   ="2021"}
TITLE  ="sotropic radiative transfer as a phase space process: Lorentz covariant Green's functions and first-passage times",
AUTHOR ="Rossetto, Vincent",
VOLUME ="139",
PAGES  ="11001",
YEAR   ="2022"}